Security note: that you require office manager or owner access to use the data maintenance tool.

To remove an office payment, which is either a write-off or a discount, first record the trans# of the office payment. The trans# is located at the top right of the office payment, in the patient's ledger, attached to the invoice.

Next, launch the data maintenance tool.  The data maintenance tool can be found under tools-->data maintenance and can only be seen by owners and office managers :

Once into the tool, select 2) Remove Office Payment from the action drop down.

Next, enter the trans# you wish to delete in the field on the right under Remove Office Payment and hit enter -- the details of that transaction will appear.

Review the details to ensure that this is the correct office payment you wish to delete. Enter a reason for deleting the transaction below and click execute.

A warning screen will appear making you aware that this action is not reversible and is permanent.  Check 'I Accept' and then click the OK button that appears.

The office payment has now been entirely deleted permanently from the system.

This action is added to the data maintenance audit report which can be viewed any time in the data maintenance tool, setting a date range top right and generating a report.

Reports Note, Important: You will need to re-run your reports for the date that the office payment was removed from.