
  • You need to reverse a RAD (Received After Deposit)
  • You need to remove (delete) an office payment such as a write-off, generic adjustment or discount
  • You need to move an invoice attached to the wrong appointment
  • Move a clinical progress note from one patient to another
  • Restore a patient previously deleted who no longer appears in the patient window


The Data Maintenance tool can be found under tools-->Data Maintenance.  Only Owners and Office Manager employee accounts can see and access this tool.


This tool has 5 major functions:


1. Adjust RAD (Received After Deposit) - allows you change a RAD into a different payment type so you can cancel it and re-enter it
2. Remove Office Payment - allows you to delete discounts and write-offs so you can re-enter or reverse invoices
3. Move an invoice from/to another appointment
4. Remove a progress note (and create a copy you can paste to a new one)
5. Re-activate a deleted patient


Select which function you wish to examine in the drop down and instructions on how to use that function will appear in the window below.