Web Forms are currently being offered to select Beta offices.  This documentation is provided as-is and is subject to change at any time.


Web Forms are forms that have been designed to be viewed, completed and submitted on any device with a modern web browser and an internet connection.  Devices can range from Personal Computers to smart phones.

Web Forms give your office the ability to provide contactless forms to your patients.   For example, using Web Forms, you can send a questionnaire form to a patient’s device and have them fill it in before they enter your office.

Getting Started

In order to start using Web Forms, you will need the following:

Configuring LiveDDM

Once you have obtained your Site Key, follow the steps below to configure LiveDDM.


  1. Launch LiveDDM and sign in
  2. Navigate to Setup -> Office Setup
  3. Select the Web Forms tab
  4. Enter your Site Key in the field provided
  5. Click Save

Sending a Web Form

Please ensure you have followed the instructions in the Getting Started section first.

Follow the steps below to send a Web Form to a Patient.


  1. Launch LiveDDM and sign in
  2. From the Patient window, select a Patient and navigate to the Documents tab
  3. Under Electronic Documents, select Web Forms
  4. Select an available form from the list
  5. In the Send To field either provide the Patient's email address or cell number.   The cell number does not need to be formatted and be entered in with digits only (eg: 4165555555).
  6. Click Send Form

Checking Web Form Status

You can check the status of Web Forms from within LiveDDM by following the steps below.

  1. Launch LiveDDM and sign in
  2. Navigate to Web Forms -> Web Form Stats

The resulting web page will give details on sent forms along with their status (i.e., has the Patient filled it in yet).

Retrieving a Web Form

LiveDDM will periodically check for newly submitted Web Forms but it will not automatically download them.  To download Web Forms that have been filled in and submitted by the Patient, follow the steps below.

  1. Launch LiveDDM and sign in
  2. Navigate to Web Forms -> Retrieve Web Forms

A message box will inform you about the number of Web Forms that were downloaded.  Only completed forms (i.e., filled in and signed) will be downloaded.  

All completed forms are automatically added to the corresponding Patient's Electronic Documents.